I want to know ,can picozed booting with QSPI like zedboard ?
For example,connect arm hw
source ps7_init.tcl
I want to know ,can picozed booting with QSPI like zedboard ?
For example,connect arm hw
source ps7_init.tcl
Hello Wangy,
Yes your PicoZed can boot by QSPI. If you refer to our Zynq Software Labs :
specifically lab 7, it goes into how to create a .mcs file that is used to program the qspi.
Hello JFoster, I refered to lab7 to program flash ,but failed,
console shows:
****** Xilinx Program Flash
Hello JFoster, I refered to lab7 to program flash ,but failed,
console shows:
****** Xilinx Program Flash