In Vivado I'm trying to assign ports of my block design to the package pins and I've run into an issue for the connections between the XC7Z035 and AD9361. An example is the schematic net named "IO_L23_35_SPI_CLK" on page 7 of the picozed schematic It is connecting to pin B11 of the XC7z035. In vivado when I try to assign the spi clock to pin B11, its not an option because it shows B11 is a ground pin.
I'm using Vivado 2014.4.1. I couldn't find a board definition file for the PicoZed SDR so I selected the part "xc7z035ifbg676-2L" from the list of parts rather than slecting a board. It feels like I don't have the correct part selected. Can someone confirm the selection or provide the correct board definition file?