We bought zedboard eval board for zynq development and I tried the petalinx sample project came with zedboard, I'm wondering where is the source code for this sample project?
We bought zedboard eval board for zynq development and I tried the petalinx sample project came with zedboard, I'm wondering where is the source code for this sample project?
Hi Lynn,
You can download a PetaLinux BSP and the PetaLinux tool chain, both include full source code, from the Xilinx support site. I'm not familiar with the specific sample project delivered with the board, but you will be able to recreate a PetaLinux project using those two downloads. There is also documentation on PetaLinux BSP usage and tool chain operation on the Xilinx support site, as well as examples for other Zynq boards on zedboard.org if you have any issues installing PetaLinux.
Thank you, Ron. I will try that