i can not build wilink script
i use petalinux 2014.4 version (xlnx-3.17)
step 1.
/build-utilites$ ./sudo_build_wl18xx.sh init
step 2.
/build-utilites$ ./sudo_build_wl18xx.sh patch_kernel
step 3
step 4 (Error)
/build-utilites$ ./sudo_build_wl18xx.sh update R8.6 (or R8.6_SP1)
y original source files ...
Applying patches from patches to /home/jkpark/wilink/build-utilites/src/compat_wireless ...
Modify Kconfig tree ...
Rewrite Makefiles and Kconfig files ...
Generating local configuration database from kernel ... done.
cc -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -c -o conf.o conf.c
as: unrecognized option '--64'
make[2]: *** [conf.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [defconfig-wl18xx] Error 2
make: *** [defconfig-wl18xx] Error 2
| Your backport package isn't configured, please configure it
| using one of the following options:
| To configure manually:
| make oldconfig
| make menuconfig
| To get defaults for certain drivers:
| make defconfig-alx
| make defconfig-ar5523
| make defconfig-ath10k
| make defconfig-ath5k
| make defconfig-ath6kl
| make defconfig-ath9k
| make defconfig-ath9k-debug
| make defconfig-b43
| make defconfig-b43legacy
| make defconfig-brcmfmac
| make defconfig-brcmsmac
| make defconfig-carl9170
| make defconfig-cw1200
| make defconfig-hwsim
| make defconfig-igb
| make defconfig-iwlwifi
| make defconfig-nfc
| make defconfig-rtlwifi
| make defconfig-wcn36xx
| make defconfig-wifi
| make defconfig-wil6210
| make defconfig-wl18xx
| make defconfig-wwan
make[2]: *** [.config] Error 1
make[1]: *** [modules] Error 2
make: *** [default] Error 2
****** ERROR 0 *******
# //
# -(o o)-
# This file contains the exports needed for automating the
# build process of WLAN components.
# Place this file in the same directory with wl18xx_build.sh
# build scripts. No need to run 'source setup-env', the build
# scripts will perfom it internaly.
# User specific environment settings - use full PATH
# if DEFAULT toolchain path is set toolchain will be downloaded to ./toolchain.
export TOOLCHAIN_PATH=/opt/Xilinx/SDK/2015.4/gnu/arm/lin/arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi/bin
# if DEFAULT path to root filesystem is set ./fs folder will be used.
export ROOTFS=/home/jkpark/petalinux20144/test/fs
#if DEFAULT kernel path is set - kernel will be downloaded (set branch to match kernel version)
export KERNEL_PATH=/home/jkpark/petalinux20144/test/build/linux/kernel/xlnx-3.17
#export KERNEL_PATH=/home/jkpark/temp/wl18xx
# if KERNEL_VARIANT below is set the build script will look for kernel specific
# patches under the patches directory:
# - patches under the pathces/driver_patches/$KERNEL_VARIANT directory would be
# applied during "modules" build.
# - patches under the patches/kernel_patches/$/$KERNEL_VARIANT directory would
# be applied to the kernel pointed by KERNEL_PATH in case the "patch_kernel"
# command is used.
# Note: the kernel is not built automatically after the patches are applied
export KERNEL_VARIANT=xlnx-3.17
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-
export ARCH=arm