I am working on Zed board. I would like to work on the eclipse based SDK to dump the basic bare-metal applications onto Zed the board. I am able to put the hello world application through JTAG, where the "Hello World" text gets printed through the serial port. This is the process I follow to get the hello world application deployed on the target:
1. Import the system.xml file into the eclipse based Xilinx SDK IDE.
2. Create a new application project, with support of an existing standalone bsp.
3. The application project is created with a hello world template.
4. Now, compile and Run the application project onto the target, with the target configured in JTAG mode.
With these steps, the "Hello World" text gets printed on the serial port of the target.
Following the above steps, I am not able to work on the LED application. It seems like there are some hardware initialization missing in the process, which is the reason why the application fails. How do I put the hardware configuration file on the target board ? Do I need to use Impact tool for making the basic LED example work on the Zed platform.
I am pretty new to the FPGA part of programming, but fine with ARM side bare-metal applications.
Thank You