I created Boot.bin file for developing xilinx-linux on ZedBoard(Digilent),
Then copied Boot.bin and other files(ramdisk,devicetree,Zimage,zynq_fsbl.elf) to sdcard and
Booted xilinux OS on Zedboard Successfully,
Now iam trying to running c,c++ codes on xilinx Linux of Zed-Board,Those are executing fine,
But my codes having some hexadecimal input data,i want to move those to DDR memory loacation's of Zedboard usnig xilinux Linux OS,
Can any provide some help for communicating the DDR of
ZedBoard(on xilinux Linux) and provide sample links's for this Communication.
I searched and tried some exaples on ZedBoard.org,this
communication can done through using Standalone OS,In standalone OS,provided some API's,Macro's for this interaction with DDR of ZEDboard and Also some sample
examples provided in Zedboard.org.
Now same way i want to perform some RD/WR operations on DDR of Zedboard using xilinx Linux OS.....
Can any one please suggest me for this DDR interaction through xilinx Linux....