So I am pretty new to FPGAs but I have been testing the microZed board and trying to write an application that will run on linux to read and write from the GPIO to, for example, blink an LED.
To do this I have been using memory mapping to read and write from the registers, as described for a different board in chapter 6.3 of http://www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/sw_manuals/xilinx14_3/ug873-zynq-ctt.pdf, using memcpy to read and write data from the addresses.
This seems to work fine when reading but doesn't seem to write. Writing to other peripherals such as the DDR and AFI seems to work so this seems specific to the GPIO.
I was wondering if I might need to export the relevant pin (as done via bash commands on page 17 of http://www.microzed.org/sites/default/files/documentations/MicroZed_GettingStarted_v1_1.pdf)? Is this the problem and is it possible to do via the linux application rather than command line?
Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? I've looked around but haven't found anything explaining how to do this from the microzed.