I am running a simple counter program using LED's on Zedboard. The program is successfully downloaded on to the hardware and the LED's blink as expected. When I try to implement the external mode to control the speed of counting and the direction I get the following error.
ERROR : Current code generation target for model 'gm_Blinking_LED_interface' is either not configured for or does not support external mode. In the Code Generation > Interface pane of Configuration Parameters dialog, select Interface option to be "External Mode" to enable external mode for targets that support it
-Iu2019m trying to use the external mode in MATLAB (2015b) with ZedBoard (Rev. C) as the target hardware.
-I have done all the configurations required through u201Ctargetupdateru201D function of MATLAB.
-I use the direct connection between MATLAB and Zedboard.
-Host PC Network Setting:IP: - Mask:
-ZedBoard:IP: - Mask:
-I can ping the ZedBoard (IP: from my host PC (both sending and receiving data).
-I can log in to the linux system on Zedboard through UART (Teraterm terminal) and I have verified the ip address of ZedBorad with u201Cifconfigu201D command.
-I can log in to the linux system on Zedboard through UART (Teraterm terminal) and ping my host pc (IP: when my firewall is on (both sending and receiving data).
-I can log in to the linux system on ZedBoard through SSH (Putty terminal, IP:, port 22).
-I have also tried to change the dirction and speed of counting by devmem commands and the speed and direction of the LED's change as expected. Only when I configure to external mode and click on connect to hardware I get the error.
-Also I tried executing the getenv('ZYNQ_IPADDRESS') on my matlab console and I did not get the IP address instead it returns nothing.
>> getenv('ZYNQ_IPADDRESS')
ans =
I am finding it real hard to know where I am going wrong. Any suggestions or solutions would be of great help. Thank you very much.