how can one make a memory region uncacheable?
For example in the Ethernet Driver description stands:
It is expected that all BDs are allocated in from uncached area.
In an example program they do the following:
* The BDs need to be allocated in uncached memory. Hence the 1 MB
* address range that starts at address 0xFF00000 is made uncached.
Xil_SetTlbAttributes(RX_BD_LIST_START_ADDRESS, 0xc02);
But firstly I did not find out how to propperly use this function to set the appropriate attributes and secondly I do not understand why one should set TLB attributes, if one does not even use virtual memory.
Can somebody help?
P.S. I posted the same question to http://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Zynq-All-Programmable-SoC/Make-memory-region-uncacheable/td-p/530583 but nobody replied