I was an "early adopter" and bought the original Ultra96 (NOT v2). How much modifying of the v2 BSP is required to work with the v1?
I was an "early adopter" and bought the original Ultra96 (NOT v2). How much modifying of the v2 BSP is required to work with the v1?
Typically, modifications to the BSP involve updating the device tree, kernel configuration, and possibly other components to ensure proper hardware initialization and functionality. You may need to modify drivers or device tutuapp kodi configurations to match the hardware on the v1 board. The specific changes needed will depend on the discrepancies between the v1 and v2 boards.
Yes, I'm aware of that. I guess I wasn't clear. How much differences are there between V1 and V2? How extensive are the changes?
I haven't been working with petalinux in the last year so maybe I am a bit rusted. What I do remember is that I built my custom petalinux from scratch (creating the xsa extensible platform and then creating the petalinux project). I followed the tutorial in https://github.com/Xilinx/Vitis-Tutorials/tree/2021.2/Vitis_Platform_Creation/Introduction/02-Edge-AI-ZCU104 The only different thing I did that I remember is in step2.md, in DTG_settings -> Machine_Name I used avnet-ultra96-rev1.
This created a booteable image in my ultra96V1.
Hi, Not much, which just depends! A different set of settings in the Vivado project is most of it. The power off/on needs a different kernel patch for the v2. The other one, which may or not apply to you is the WiFi module is vastly different; v2 uses Microchip, v1 TI. It does assume a lot of knowledge about how the tools and PYNQ build flow work, but you can get all of the answers from looking at the PYNQ repo which builds for v1 and v2. https://github.com/Avnet/Ultra96-PYNQ
In that repo you will have to look at the build script a little to understand what is going on for the build context. The bulk of the differences are in the tcl files for the Vivado project and some minor differences in the PetaLinux bsp. The wifi driver for v2 is integrated a bit differently and it uses the PYNQ way to build it into the kernel. The HW designs can be found under Ultra96/sensorsb and the PetaLinux bsps under Ultra96/petalinux_bsp_vX. If you run the build script it will pull down a v1 and v2 bsp or you can just look at the assets for the Release tags on github for the bsps (v3.0.1 uses the sensors96b bsps from the v3.0.0 release btw).
I don't post on here to often, just fyi.
Have a great day and good luck!