Hi there,
I have a problem with the CP210x USB to UART Driver. The board and operating systems I use are listed below. After energizing the Ultrazed EG board, I connect the Ultrazed EG to the PC using a male to male USB cable. But on the USB Universal Serial Bus Controllers tab, I get the "Device Descriptor Request Failed" warning. I tried to install the driver, but somehow Windows determines that the most suitable driver for the USB device is USB.inf. Frankly, I couldn't get out of the work, I ask for your help.
Operating system: Windows 10
Board : Ultrazed EG
Installed Driver: CP210x Universal Windows Driver (Addr: www.silabs.com/.../usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers
Doc Followed: www.infineon.com/.../Infineon-ultrazed_eg_starter_kit_getting_started_guide_v1_1-ATI-v01_00-EN.pdf (Setting) up the Host PC Header
Tried solutions:
- Plugging into a different USB port
- PC restart
- SW control on Ultrazed EG
- Installing different CP210x drivers
- Trying different USB cable
- Trying different PC
-Tested on different Ultrazed EG
Best regards.