I'm trying to make the 7-inch Zed Touch Display (http://zedboard.org/product/7-inch-zed-touch-display-kit) usable in a Zedboard with Linux. I need to develop my own system because I want to apply PREEMPT_RT patch.
I have followed the tutorial http://microzed.org/sites/default/files/design/ZedBoard_ALI3_Display_Ubuntu_Tutorial_14_4_02.zip in order to adapt the kernel and configure it so that the board can work properly with the display in a Linux distribution.
I have found some issues:
1. It suggests to clone the kernel from the repository https://github.com/Xilinx/linux-xlnx.git, tag xilinx-v14.4. This tag DOESN'T CURRENTLY EXIST.
2. I have cloned then xilinx-v2014.4 (which I suppose is the one the tutorial is referring to). Then, I follow the steps of the tutorial, but when I try to patch the kernel with the patch provided in the tutorial, I obtain quite some errors, and patching is not performed successfully. So I can't create the kernel.
Besides, I plan to use kernel 4.6 from the Xilinx repo (I'm using Vivado and SDK based on v2016.4 to generate the hardware design), and this tutorial uses version 3.17. Is there any update of the patch for a newer kernel? Could I use the patch provided in the tutorial (zeddispkit_14_4.patch) to patch my newer kernel?
Best regards,