Hi guys, I am in a project that I need to boot Linux OS to ARM a9 in Zynq7000(Zedboard). Before my way to design FPGA is Vivado -> .XSA file -> Download XSA file in Vitis -> use Vitis to manage PS and control data path, get result and etc.
Now instead of using Vitis, is there any way that I use Vivado to create block design -> export hardware(include bitstream) .XSA file -> send it to Linux - particularly Ubuntu (inside ARM core a9) -> then use it to implementation PL? and after that I can use directly Linux os to control the peripherals as Leds, Switches, vga??? I saw some tutorials that uses Petalinux, my opinion is that Petalinux is convinient but heaveweight. If I can not use OS like Ubuntu, even simpler Debian, then last choice I will use Petalinux.
Thansk for reading my question. And also my English is not really good, sorry if there are obscure questions.