Linux allows me to do utterly amazing things in software.... a locked in virtual world.
I have digital Locked In Syndrome.
I can't communicate with the real world, I can't sense the real world, I can't change the real world.
This is where you guys come in....
You have an ever growing list of really interesting sensors.
But everything in my outside would runs at mains voltage.
Lights, dishwashers, kettles, washing machines, or at car voltages.
Everything on a dev kit runs at piddly voltages.
Motors and sensors are great.... but the average motor or activator that a devkit can drive... makes a toddler look like a superhero in strength.
Want to make an amazing world changing devkit?
Give me real power.
Real mains voltage controllers.
Give me motors that can arm wrestle a toddler and win.
Give me sensors galore.
Then you will see the Sparks Fly!