"I have a few marine aquariums and want to create an interface that will cover many, if not all of the parameter test checks that are required for a healthy marine environment. This would include things like a light meter to check photosynthetic active radiation, lux and colour temperature. There would also be temperature parameters with audible warning, storage of all readings for 28 days at a time. All major mobile phone interfaces are covered to enable real-time interaction; whether accessing readings or for programming." Created by brixtonian1970
What inspired your DreamBoard Design?
The inspiration for my Dream board is my hobby of fish-keeping. There are many gadgets put there that do this or that and cost an absolute fortune for a single item. I wanted to try and come up with something that would cover a multitude of actions primarily for Marine setups but useful for any fish keeping setup. I want it to be genuinely helpful to its users and as user friendly as possible to make it accessible to as many people as can be.
What is your job role/background?
The main reason for the Dreamboard is to benefit the animals in their micro universe, to bring lighting to as natural a place as can be programed, or where maybe sensor can read actual light and transfer that to a tank's lighting system. It would also be synchronized to the moon's phases, or having lightning storms. The possibilities are endless (in my head anyway) the cost would be kept reasonable to enable people on lower incomes to be able to afford to buy or build their own.
I no longer work due to ill health but when I was working it had nothing to do with Electronics, I worked on building sites as a skilled labourer and really loved what I did, especially working outside in the elements. I have also been a Fishmonger which I enjoyed immensely until almost dying from Phosphorus poisoning when a spike on a fish's peduncle went into one of my fingers. This can kill in about 5 days and luckily my younger brother saw it on the 4th day and told me to get to the hospital where I received massive doses of antibiotics and was told how lucky I had been.
Why should your DreamBoard be the winner?
I believe my Dream board should win because it is designed for the many and varied users but, also for the many animals that would benefit from it whether it be a fish, Hermit crab or coral which in turn again benefits the user and their families who will have their own healthy, tiny piece of the ocean to admire.
Journey So Far...
Round 1: Challenger - Charles Cumings's Atmospheric Research Prototyper
Quarter Final: Challenger - jason.c.daniels's Quad Core Practical Generic Computing Board with Some Sensors
DreamBoard Vs | Semi Final | brixtonian1970's: Marine Aquarium Interface Board Vs Manjuprasad Basangi's: PC64