I'm hamü from Germany and a novice when it comes to most of these things. Thanks so far for the helpful support in the other thread! I think it is better to start an new discussion for this and not to hijack the other one.
I have multiple EXPLORE-NFC v1.6 boards (FCC ID: 2AASNEXPLORE-NFC-WW), several RPi 3 and with each I intent to use I²C with one RPi 3 (so each time one EXPLORE-NFC with one RPi 3).
The reason why I want to use I2C and not SPI is that I want to connect a SPI touch display (PINs used shown in the table at the bottom) as well. So in my eyes the solution (please correct me if I am wrong) is to use I2C for NFC-Explore and SPI for the display as the latter also uses the pins 19, 21, 23 and 24 and is therefore overlapping with the pins I need for the NFC-explore board with SPI.
I want to use the NFC Reader Library for Linux v4.040.05.011646 because of I²C support. Are the example mentioned in the installation guidelines (AN11802) also working with I²C? Is nxppy working when using I²C?
Regarding the hardware configuration of the board for using I²C I used the PNEV512B Quick Startup Guide (http://www.nxp.com/documents/application_note/AN11308.pdf ) as mentioned in AN11802: NFC Reader Library for Linux Installation Guidelines (https://nxp.flexnetoperations.com/control/frse/download?agree=Accept&element=8359537 ). Below I attached an edited picture of the board with my understanding regarding correct I²C configuration.
Something I am not sure about is the I²C address configuration in software as I cannot find any information about this in the documents mentioned earlier.
Where can I find information about it (EXPLORE-NFC specific), how is that realized in your software and what do I have to know about it when only using one I²C device?
As I don't know much about I²C, this address configuration is necessary when using several devices at the I²C bus and therefore having the need for master-slave configuration and/or distinguish between them, if not specified via software. Is that correct?
So for getting the board working with I²C I have everything I need now, right? The correct library with examples and the correct hardware configuration (as in the pic)? Is there something else I am missing or need to know?
Kind regards,
Display pins:
Display Raspberry Pi Info
GND GND Ground
5V 5V 5V Power Supply
LCD-LED GPIO18 Display Backlight, can be set to GPIO12 with Jumper BL
LCD-RST GPIO23 Display Reset
LCD-DC GPIO24 Display Command/Data Select (DC/RS), Jumper IO24-RS
LCD-CS GPIO8 (CE0) (pin24) Display Chip Select
ADS-CS GPIO7 (CE1) Touchcontroller Chip Select
ADS-IRQ GPIO25 Touchcontroller Interrupt Output
MISO GPIO9 (MISO) (pin21) SPI Master-In Slave-Out
MOSI GPIO10 (MOSI) (pin19) SPI Master-Out Slave-In
SCK GPIO11 (SCK) (pin23) SPI Clock