Hi all.
I'm totally noob what comes to NFC. I'm trying to get the element14 PN512 board to work in my embedded project. I'm using the this SW library as base:
NFC Reader Library V04.030.00 R1 for PNEV512B including all software examples
I'm using MifareReaderC example with I2C and so I'm not using the serial setup from the code. I can communicate OK with the chip.
1. However the timer implementation doesn't seem to start the timer. I added write to control register (address 0x0c) with param 0x50 (trigger now + initiator) after each timer conf. This puts the timer running and i can get the interrupt to be visible in the register. However shouldn't the original setup do this out-of-box? What I'm missing here?
2. The type 2 tag card that comes with the kit. Can it be read out of box or does it require writing someting to card? The SW is polling it, but cannot detect anything. I'm using the PN512 as initiator.
The examples are pretty cumbersome (don't really want to say horrible) and code rather old ('04/'06). Is there any simple c library available for PN512? Or any good tutorial how this and NFC should work. I have currently no idea if this is even correct configuration for card reading. I've tried reading all the documents and wiki stuff regarding Mifare/Felica/NFCIP-1 but not really having any big revelations how this whole field should work and what is what.
Sorry if that was a lot, but I'm more than little confused. NFC seemed like are that must be like one standard and everything nicely packaged to nicely available open source libraries. Not so much it seems . Weirdest thing is that why there's so little info of 512 even though NXP claims it's the de-facto standard.