The board itself without any other connected devices consumes about 600ma. When you add additional peripherals and accessories, it goes up from there. Which is what selsnork was telling you.
Can I start by suggesting posting a discussion rather than a blog post. Blog posts tend to be less visible here, so often less likely to get you any answers.
Anyhow... 'Typical' is an almost meaningless starting point, without knowing what it'll be doing, what peripherals you'll have connected etc. it's an almost impossible question to answer. So here's some meaningless numbers to give you some idea:
linux, 3.15 kernel, cli only, idle, no peripherals, no network, ~180mA
as above, with gigabit network connection, ~250mA
adding HDMI monitor, 395mA
as above with a task running (time echo "scale=2000;4*a(1)" | bc -l), ~520mA
debian with no peripherals attached other than a usb wifi adapter, approx 410mA.... 410-180 gives 230mA for the wifi adapter alone!
android with lvds display, up to 850mA during boot, 660mA at lock screen
adding gigabit network connection, ~720mA
with activity and the lvds display I can get android up to just over 1A, disconnecting the display sees a drop of approx 450mA
So with a range from 180mA right up to 1A, what do you think is 'typical' ?