Before I buy a Riotboar, I would like to know, if it is possible to run mono on the riotboard? And is it possible to control GPIO SPI and I2C wie mono/C#?
Before I buy a Riotboar, I would like to know, if it is possible to run mono on the riotboard? And is it possible to control GPIO SPI and I2C wie mono/C#?
Mono runs on ARM CPUs.
So if you use Ubuntu or Debian (or any other distribution that´s supported) I don´t think that you´ll have problems with that.
I´ve also found some instructions on ho to get it to run with meta-mono on yocto on the RaspberryPi at
It should be pretty much the same for the riotboard though.
mono is a software framework.
according to mono website they do have some arm support.
it has been demo in raspberry pi and similarly can be used in other sbcs.