This could be a long shot. I received this tablet. It has android 4.0 ICS on it. My question is, how could I find out the u-boot parameters on it? I would like to put the JB4.3_1.1.0 GA release on it. Building would not be a problem as I have already done that, but when it is flashed it will not come on. This is an actual tablet. Is there a way to get the information needed to get it to come on? According to the build prop it looks like a sabresd rom on a sabrelite board. I have tried to find where to hook it up USB to TTL, but it is not marked. I think the key is in the u-boot, but again it would be how to open the image. I need to know what bootloader is doing I guess. The basics are the same:
Kernel Base Address : 0x10800000
Ramdisk Load Address : 0x11800000
Second Stage Load Address : 0x11700000
Page Size : 2048 bytes
Is there some way to open the u-boot.bin? Is there some software for this? It would be nice to see this build on actual tablet in the real world. Anything would help.