Shabaz is correct, if you are using LCD module plz power the BBB using the DC power adapter instead of USB power. The current requirement for BBB+LCD is more what USB can provide. I will check the user manual (if its not mentioned) and update it accordingly. Thanks for your feedback
If the whole system powered off when you tried it, it does point to a power problem.
Personally I would try a DC barrel connector power supply rather than with a USB plug. Otherwise, you are reliant on the power management IC (PMIC) to allow the max possible current draw from the USB connector power source, and that is programmable.
I think it is highly likely to work fine if you use a DC barrel connector PSU. (Note - I don't have this cape, I've not tried it).
When using the barrel connector, any cape can use as much current as needed (within reason), if it is taken from the VDD_5V line - but I've no idea about the cape without a schematic.
I just bought a 7" LCD expansion cape for my BBB. However, I could not get the LCD to display anything.
I could perfectly test the keypads and LEDs without the LCD connected to the cape. When the LCD is connected, however, there is a background light came out from the LCD for a while and then the whole system turned off.
I tried to plug the whole system (BBB + 7" LCD) to 5V/2A USB adapter, but the problem still persists.
In addition, the LCD datasheet mentioned two parameters regarding Current Consumption, i.e. Icc typically at 250mA and Iled (LED driving current) typically at 500mA, which already exceed USB2.0 specification (but still in the range of my USB adapter capability). On the other hand, there is no current consumption specified in the 4.3" LCD datasheet.
Has anyone face the same problem as mine?
To the forum moderator: Has the 7" LCD been tested with BBB before, as claimed in the user manual (i.e. the LCD can be powered directly from BBB), or is it only valid for 4.3" LCD?
Is there any schematic for the LCD?
Please let me know. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks!
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