I would like to change the name of a package which already existed. How can i do ? I try to use the Rename command but it doesn't work.
Thank you.
I would like to change the name of a package which already existed. How can i do ? I try to use the Rename command but it doesn't work.
Thank you.
Ok so in the file it's written NULLPONT6A "NULL
I wrote : NULLPONT6A "NULL without space but i have an error when i want to open this library.
Thank you.
Am 05.08.2015 um 14:36 schrieb Par Free:
Ok so in the file it's written NULLPONT6A "NULL
I wrote : NULLPONT6A "NULL without space but i have an error when i want
to open this library.
NULLPONT6A "NULL inside a Name can't use " !
the correct name inside the XML-Data is ="NULLPONT6ANULL"
here a example:
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Traunstein HRB 5573
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Mark Whiteling
I wrote : NULPONT6ANUL i have always this error "Error while reading file C:/Eagle/lbr/ABC.lbr!"
And before with the space it worked : NULPONT6A "NUL
And if i wrote again like it was before it doesnt work
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I'm doing that i would like to use a library from Eagle 4.0 to use it in Eagle 7.0