There is no tool to automate a reference designator strategy. However, you can rename the reference designators on the PCB and push those changes back into the schematics (SCH) without the risk of losing the synchronization of the SCH and PCB.
Tools | Re-Annotate command can be used to re-annotate the components on the PCB.
Note: Re-Annotate command also generates a .WAS file in your project folder, containing the changes that have been made to the PCB. The .WAS file is not used in the Update Schematics step below.
After changing the designators, while the PCB document is still focused, use:
Home | Project | Update Schematics in (project).PrjPcb
Execute the ECO process.
The designators on the corresponding components on your schematics will now be updated to match the designators on your PCB document.