A question often asked involves the ability to have CircuitStudio installed on more than one computer even though the user only own one license.
The EULA (license agreement) allows for a user to install on two computers of theirs, for example a desktop and work and maybe a home computer or laptop. In practice nobody will complain if you need to use on three computers (perhaps work, laptop and home). In this scenario you are the only user (your license) and only one copy of the software must be running at any one time.
Installing the software on two computers is quite simple. On the primary computer install as normal and use your email address and password to sign in and run the program. From the license screen (View | Start; My Account > Licenses) you can highlight your license and click Export Standalone License to generate a standalone license file (*.ALF). On your secondary computer install the software and then rather than use your normal license hit the Use Standalone License button and load up the *.ALF file you saved earlier. Do not attempt to activate this license, it is ready to go with nothing further needed.
If you make use of any online services such as the Altium Content Vault then you will need to set this up on your second computer. When adding in the Vault (via File > System Preferences) use your email address and password associated with your license, you can request these to be saved so you do not need to keep re-entering. Note that this is separate to signing in to CS using your email, on the secondary computer you continue to rely on the license file you loaded.
Should you have any more complex license usage scenarios then please feel free to contact us directly at software@element14.com as personal information and licensing details are often not suited to public discussions on the forums.