Many vault components have supply chain data and will display a panel overlay in the schematic editor if the mouse hovers over the symbol for a short period.
The list of supplies is taken from those enabled in system preferences, File > System Preferences : Suppliers : Available Suppliers. You can uncheck all suppliers but the panel will still pop up even though it has no data to display (no data because all suppliers are disabled).
To permanently disable the Supply Chain Insight panel you need to use regedit.exe so this modification is entirely at your own risk. Make sure you know what you are doing and have any necessary backups in place. Navigate to the following registry path where {guid} is a long number unique to your installation:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Altium\CircuitStudio {guid}\DesignExplorer\Preferences\Client\Client Preferences
and change SupplyChainInsight to 0 to disable the feature or to 1 to enable. You will need to re-start CircuitStudio for the change to take effect.