I would be really grateful for some initial ideas from the FPGA/E14 experts as to how I can do the following: I'm happy to struggle on learning and writing the scripts needed but I really haven't got an idea which method should be used. This learning is for my Z7k Logic Analyser: concepts where I eventually want to be able to capture the voltage changes on some input pins at a very high clock rate (say 100MHz) directly into RAM and in slower time to be able to sift through them using the PS to do analysis - for example to display the hexadecimal equivalent or if it were UART data to give the user the values in that.
I've explored the idea of BRAM and being able to read/write to it from the PS: Z7k Logic Analyser: progress update and I've also just managed to follow an online tutorial where the author implements a FIFO to pass DMA data to and read it back from: Z7k Logic Analyser: Progress Update #2
My current thinking is that I need to make my own AXI-4 IP block, as previously, that fills up with the serial data. I'm also thinking that will be limited somewhat due to limitations in BRAM sizes whereas the DDR3 on the ZC702 is massive and could store so much more of the signal.
Does anyone please have any suggestions on what could be the better approach? Thank you.