I'm currently making sure I'm in a good position to hit the ground running with the upcoming PYNQ-Z2 workshops. I bought the recommended kit including an Apeman A77 camera and thought I'd just have a quick poke around in advance. I ran through the "getting started" and the Pynq 2.5 image includes some simple HDMI examples. (I hope I'm not jumping too far ahead, but like to be prepared.)
Anyway, as I start to run the HDMI example I get a kernel died error (as shown). You can see on screen what's been run. This is just wiring HDMI out to show what's on HDMI in. The error is completely repeatable. Nothing noteworthy in /var/log/jupyter.log to give any clue.
As quick Google suggested that maybe the image is too high resolution, and when I checked the camera on my TV it outputs 1080p at 60fps regardless of the resolution of video being captured. Could 1080p be too much? Time to switch to a Raspberry Pi 4 where I can change resolution properly. The above example ran quite happily with the Pi at a lower resolution, but surprised me when it also ran using the Pi at 1920x1080 at 60fps too.
Is this camera (Apeman A77) compatible with the HDMI on the PYNQ-Z2? I'd have expected it to be as it was the recommended kit and the Crosstour one listed now is essentially the same model.
I'll try to do more digging into any subtle differences between the HDMI output of the Pi and the camera, but all I have is a TV that shows some info on the input. Anyone else have any ideas?