Whenever you build a circuit or prototype, the first thing is to grab the necessary components and parts. Occasionally, a missing active or passive component causes a delay for the project. Having the electronic parts kit can prevent this problem. Parts Kits also provide a useful selection of parts that are the building blocks of all electronics.
Texas Instruments myParts Kit
myParts KitmyParts Kit comes with a collection of parts including op-amps, an instrumentation amplifier, voltage regulators, switching regulators, digital logic gates, timers, temperature sensors, data converters, transistors, resistors, capacitors, LEDs, switches, a wiring kit, and more. With myParts Kit, you can create projects in areas such as power management, audio amplification, spinning motors, light detection, and signal conditioning.
| Converters:
| Diodes:
Logic ICs:
| Transistors:
Passive components:
| Miscellaneous: