I was wondering the other day, with all the talk here about ARM Cortex A series and M series microprocessors and microcontrollers, where has Intel been. Along comes this article http://liliputing.com/2015/04/what-intels-new-atom-x5-x7-cherry-trail-chips-can-do.html on Intel's newest series of Atom. I was surprised on several fronts. First the power consumption. These little SoC sip current at about 2W of power which is comparable to the Raspberry Pi 2. Also they have improved the GPU processing beyond the early days of Intel's graphic cores, even allowing multiple displays.
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Currently you will find them in newest Microsoft Surface Pro models. Although I am not a fan of MS, I wonder how long it will be before some other vendor decides to use the chip on another board like ecosystem. What are your thoughts on this?
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