Hi, this question is possibly specific to a couple of different requirements, partially because *spoiler* I have no clue what I'm doing! XD
Seriously though, I'm going to want to connect my Compound Eye (IR Sensor) at some point to my Edison on an Arduino Breakout Board.
I'm programming in Python, and while I'm familiar with how they work/what they do, I don't really know:
-how to communicate with one via GPIO
-how to connect the compound eye: Can 1 ADC read multiple inputs, and relay it digital to a single GPIO?
-If so, what should I look for when comparing? I'm actually going to need at least 5 extra inputs.
-if so, how would I relay that information in Python?
I only recall experience turning GPIO on/off, reading if it's powered, and with writing I2C.
I'm already using 1 I2C device (screen), if that's how they communicate, and am considering using a second. As such, I also know you can't always choose the address of the buses, and may get a conflict.
I'm limited to using only 4 Analog Inputs on the Edison, with all 4 already used reserved now, without starting with the Compound Eye yet, before someone asks why I need this.
The Atmega chip conflicts A4/5 with SCL/SDA, so using I2C, I have to find another communication.
I'm sorry, as I know parts of this may belong somewhere, or has been asked somewhere.... but it would also likely be difficult for me to piece that information together. I know things are largely undocumented still with the Edison, and even though it works similar to the RPi, that it's GPIO handler and the Edison's (MRAA) work a bit differently in coding; I did not want to be confused by this either. Again, please forgive me my ignorance on this. If it's included in the microcontrollers class, I plan to take that, but it would still unlikely answer how to program it in python with MRAA.
Thanks for your time!