Hello there,
i've been using the data aquisitor 34970A34970A for years, and today when i powered it on, it just kept rebooting without allowing me to acces any of its functions.
Has anyone a clue about what is happening?
Here's a video of my problem
Hello there,
i've been using the data aquisitor 34970A34970A for years, and today when i powered it on, it just kept rebooting without allowing me to acces any of its functions.
Has anyone a clue about what is happening?
Here's a video of my problem
You can find the service manual here:
or else I'm sure Keysight will fix it for you.
You could try removing all the plug ins in case it's one of them causing the problem.
Thank you for the answer, but i can not use any of the commands, when i try to run a self test or doing a factory reset, it just beeps, then reboots and it keeps doing that over and over again
Thank you for the answer, but i can not use any of the commands, when i try to run a self test or doing a factory reset, it just beeps, then reboots and it keeps doing that over and over again
Have you tried taking out the plug ins - that's the first suggestion in the service manual ?