Whilst the PIC32 can provide an easy and logical upgrade for existing users of Microchip's 8-& 16-bit PIC microcontrollers, it also delivers true 32-bit performance with more memory to solve many of the increasingly complex embedded designs.
The PIC32 family is supported by Microchip's MPLAB development environment and well-known industry tools and software providers. Microchip offers a full set of development tools, code examples, USB, graphics, TCP/IP, and File System software all available with free source code. Industry partners offer real-time operating systems, development tools, graphical/GUI packages, file system, and networking middleware.
Since its introduction in 2007, the PIC32 family has undergone many performance improvements while maintaining the PIC microcontroller heritage of ease of use and compatibility. The PIC32 products are pin, peripheral and software compatible with Microchip's 16-bit PIC MCU families and across the PIC32 MCU family.
High Performance 32-Bit MCU
- 80 MHz, 1.56 DMIPS/MHz CPU core
- 64 & 100 Pin variants
- 32KB – 512KB Flash program memory
- 8KB – 32KB Ram
- Single cycle multiply and divide hardware
- Flash pre-fetch module, 256Byte cache
- Fast context switch and interrupt response
- USB device/host/OTG with dedicated DMA
- 4 channel hardware DMA controller
- Atomic bit manipulation
Integrated MCU Features
- Programmable vector interrupt controller
- 10-bit ADC, 1Msps, and +/-1 LSB
- 16-bit parallel master port for adding QVGA & memory
- POR, BOR, LVD, Pull-ups
- 2.3-3.6v operation, 5v tolerant I/Os
- Multiple power management modes
Development Support Comprises
- MPLAB C32 C Compiler (Farnell Code 1523315)
- HI-TECH C Pro C Compiler (Farnell Code 1714280)
- MPLAB REAL ICE In-circuit emulator (Farnell Code 1294851)
- MPLAB ICD3 In-circuit debugger (Farnell Code 1664878)
- PICkit 2 programmer (Farnell Code 1340278)
- MPLAB PM3 Universal Device Programmer (Farnell Code 6984150)
- Explorer 16 Development Board (Farnell Code 1523316)
Hardware Support Specific to PIC 32 Comprises
- PIC32 Starter Kit – integrated debugger DM320001 (Farnell Code 1523317)
- PIC32 USB Starter Kit – integrated debugger DM320003 (Farnell Code 1621787)
- PIC32 Starter Kit expansion board DM320002 (Farnell Code 1621784)
- PIC32 Plug in Module for Explorer 16 Board MA320001 (Farnell Code 1523316)
- PIC32 USB Plug in Module for Explorer 16 Board MA320002 (Farnell Code 155860)
- USB PICtail Board AC164131 (Farnell Code 1558603)
- Starter Kit to Explorer 16 adapter AC3200002 (Farnell Code 1621785)
Additional Hardware to add functionality to PIC32 Starter Kits or Explorer 16
- Ethernet PICtail Board AC164123 Farnell Code 1439831
- SD Card PICtail Board AC164122.AC164122. Farnell Code 1439830
- Graphics PICTail Board AC164127 Farnell Code 1563478
Product information table:
Mftr’s Part No. | Product Description | Additional Information |
PIC32MX320F032H-40I/PTPIC32MX320F032H-40I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX320F064H-80I/PTPIC32MX320F064H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX320F128H-80I/PTPIC32MX320F128H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX320F128L-80I/PTPIC32MX320F128L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX340F128H-80I/PTPIC32MX340F128H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX340F128L-80I/PTPIC32MX340F128L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX340F256H-80I/PTPIC32MX340F256H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX340F512H-80I/PTPIC32MX340F512H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX360F256L-80I/PTPIC32MX360F256L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX360F512L-80I/PTPIC32MX360F512L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX420F032H-40I/PTPIC32MX420F032H-40I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX440F128L-80I/PTPIC32MX440F128L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX440F512H-80I/PTPIC32MX440F512H-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
PIC32MX460F512L-80I/PTPIC32MX460F512L-80I/PT | 32-bit Microcontroller | |
DM320001DM320001 | PIC32 Starter Kit Integrated debugger | |
DM320003DM320003 | PIC32 USB Starter Kit Integrated debugger | |
DM320002DM320002 | PIC32 Starter Kit Expansion Board | |
MA320001MA320001 | PIC32 Plug-in Module | For Explorer 16 Board |
MA320002MA320002 | PIC32 USB Plug-in Module | For Explorer 16 Board |
AC164131AC164131 | USB PICtailBoard | |
AC320002AC320002 | Starter Kit to Explorer 16 Adapter | |
AC164123AC164123 | Ethernet PICtail Board | |
AC164122AC164122 | SD Card PICtail Board | |
AC164127AC164127 | Graphics PICtail Board | |
SW006015SW006015 | MPLAB C32 C Compiler | |
DV244005DV244005 | MPLAB REAL ICE In-circuit Emulator | |
DV164035DV164035 | MPLAB ICD3 In-circuit debugger | |
DV164121DV164121 | PICkit 2 programmer | |
DV007004DV007004 | MPLAB PM3 Universal Device Programmer |