Discover the new Kinetis L Series, the world’s first MCU family to feature the next generation ARM Cortex
M0+ core.
Compatible with the ARM Cortex
-M4 based Kinetis K Series, these new devices offer exceptional low-power performance, ease of use and value for traditional 8- and 16-bit entry-level applications.
This session will provide an overview of the new ARM Cortex
-M0+ core and the Kinetis L Series features, enablement and availability.
Course Outline
- Overview and positioning
- ARM Cortex-M0+ processor
- Energy efficiency, ease of use and scalability
- MCU families
- Availability
- Enablement
- Summary
What You'll Learn
- This session will provide an overview of the new ARM Cortex-M0+ core and the Kinetis L Series features, enablement and availability.
Course Details
- Type: Webinar
- Duration: 30 Minutes
- Format: mpg
- Cost: None
- Audience: Design Engineers