DEMOQE128 is a cost-effective board targeting quick microcontroller evaluation. The board includes two plug-in daughter cards to highlight the ease of migration between the Flexis
QE128, 8-bit S08 and 32-bit ColdFire V1

Bit boundaries have defined microcontroller (MCU) price and performance solutions for the consumer and industrial markets with 8-bit for low-end, easy-to-use applications and 32-bit for the high-end, performance-driven market.
As 8-bit users reach their performance ceiling and need to move to a more powerful architecture, the increased complexities of a 32-bit software, peripherals and development tools could hinder new product development and time to market.
Freescale breaks away from tradition and is now uniquely positioned to provide a path on performance from the low-end of 8-bit to highly integrated 32-bit MCUs by the creation of the Controller Continuum - a full spectrum of price and performance options and unprecedented compatibility between them.
Freescale’s Controller Continuum is the industry’s first roadmap for 8- and 32-bit compatible architectures, from the ultra-low-end RS08 and S08 controllers to the full-featured ColdFire devices. The Controller Continuum is a range of stepwise compatible MCUs sharing tools and peripherals to ease the design process. Stepwise compatibility means that a designer can move from one device on the Continuum to the next compatible device at any point of the spectrum. For example, a user can move from an RS08KA to an S08QG, and from there, migrate to the QE family with minimal time and effort. When optimizing for performance, price and functionality changes the requirements from 8- to 32-bit, or vice versa. With the Continuum, it’s as easy as swapping controllers on the same board and recompiling code. This compatibility between 8- and 32-bit at the centre of the Controller Continuum is provided by the Freescale’s revolutionary Flexis
series of MCUs. This series is where S08 and ColdFire V1 microcontroller share a common set of peripherals and development tools to deliver the ultimate in migration flexibility. Movement is quickly with a few clicks from an 8-bit design to a 32-bit design, perfect for developing a portfolio of products that span the performance spectrum.
The Freescale Controller Continuum provides stepwise compatibility up and down the performance spectrum. The Controller Continuum can be entered at the ultra-low-end RS08 family of MCUs, at the more sophisticated S08 level or at the top-of-the-line ColdFire embedded controller end — each step has family members that share packaging, peripherals or pin-outs. Add common software and hardware tools, and a true stepwise compatibility is achieved.
The 8- and 32-bit QE QE128 devices are the first members of the Flexis series of MCUs that give opportunities to expand into new markets without reinvesting in new product development resources. By entering a market with a low-end product, the user can scale the same application, using the tools already at hand to reach new markets with high performance requirements.
With an easy, fast, accessible tool and support environment, such as the DEMOQE128, the development process can be speeded up using the Controller Continuum portfolio of devices.
The DEMOQE128 is a low-cost development system designed for demonstrating, evaluating, and debugging the Freescale MC9S08QE128 and MCF51QE128 microcontrollers. The board supports two interchangeable plug-in daughter cards to quickly evaluate the 8-bit S08 and 32-bit ColdFire V1 QE128 microcontrollers. The board also includes a power terminal to measure the ultra-low power consumption of the Flexis QE128 devices.
Microcontroller on the DEMOQE128 to be powered, programmed, and debugged via USB from the PC. In addition, the demo board contains an on-board logic analyzer and virtual serial port via USB to assist with rapid development. It also supports plug-in RF daughter cards for SMAC and 802.15.4.
The DEMOQE128 package includes:
- DEMOQE Base Board with a MC9S08QE128 Daughter Card installed
- MCF51QE128 Daughter Card
- DVD Breaking Bit Boundaries - Getting Started With QE128
- 2-cell AAA battery package
- USB Cable
- Quick Start Guide
- Freescale Warranty Card
The DEMOQE128 supports the following devices:
- MC9S08QE128CLH
Features & benefits:
- Interchangeable 8-bit S08 and 32-bit ColdFire V1 QE family daughter cards
- P&E's USB Embedded Multilink circuitry eliminates the need for external BDM cable
- Allows for debug, programming, and power to board and device
- SCI signals connected to Multilink through jumpers for on-board virtual serial port
- TPM signals connected to Multilink through jumpers for on-board logic analyzer
- Allows for debug, programming, and power to board and device
- User Features:
- 3-axis Accelerometer w/ Enable
- 8 User LED's w/ Enable
- 4 User Push Buttons w/ Enable
- 1 Piezzo Buzzer w/ Enable
- 1 RS-232RS-232 Serial Port w/ DB9-F Connector
- IIC Pullups w/ Enable
- 10K Ohm POT w/ Enable
- 3-axis Accelerometer w/ Enable
- Flexible power input sources selectable through jumpers
- USB Cable: 5VDC, 500mA max
- 5VDC to 12VDC Power Jack: 2.5/5.5mm barrel connector, centre positive
- 2 AAA Battery Cells
- MCU Port connector
- USB Cable: 5VDC, 500mA max
- ON/OFF Power Switch w/ LED indicator
- Selectable regulated VDD Output at 3.0V or 2.1V
- RESET Push Button and LED indicator w/ Enable
- External Crystal Circuitry Layout
- Board Size 3.5 x 4.0''
DEMOQE Base Board Features:
- On-board Logic Analyzer
- On-board Virtual Serial Port
- Asymmetrically positioned 4 8x2 male connectors for interchangeable daughter cards
- P&E’s Embedded Multilink circuitry populated on the bottom
- RS-232RS-232 Serial Port w/ DB9-F Connector
- SCI signals connected to P&E’s Embedded Multilink through jumpers
- ON/OFF Power Switch w/ LED indicator
- A 5VDC to 12VDC power supply input barrel connector
- Power Input Selection Jumpers for selecting the input voltage source:
- Power Input from Embedded Multilink to LDO regulator
- Power Input from DC Power Jack to LDO regulator
- Regulated VDD Output at 3.0V
- Regulated VDD Output at 2.1V
- Power Input from Battery
- Power Input from MCU_PORT connector
- Power Input from Embedded Multilink to LDO regulator
- RESET Push Button and LED indicator w/ Enable
- Optional External Crystal Circuitry Layout (not populated)
In addition to the Quick Start Application and Logic Analyzer Utility, the DEMOQE Resources on the Breaking Bit Boundaries DVD-ROM features other toolkit applications that work with the DEMOQE128 board.
The DEMOQE128 board also has the capability of implementing a virtual serial port on the PC. This allows the PC to send and receive serial data via the serial communication pins of P&E’s Embedded Multilink design.
Kit Content:
- DEMOQE Base Board with a MC9S08QE128 Daughter Card installed
- MCF51QE128 Daughter Card
- DVD-Breaking Bit Boundaries:Getting Started With QE128
- CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.0 – Special Edition
- Device and Board Resources
- Device Training
- CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.0 – Special Edition
- 2-cell AAA battery package
- USB Cable
- Quick Start Guide
- Freescale Warranty Card
Application information:
The Controller Continuum supports an unlimited variety of consumer and industrial applications, including:
- Health care instrumentation and monitoring
- Point-of-sale
- Factory automation
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
- Building control
- Fire detection
- Security
- Metering
- Personal consumer applications
Product information table:
Mftrs. Part No. | Product Description |
DEMOQE128DEMOQE128 | Flexis QE128 Demo Board |