<SiC MOSFET Advantages>
SiC MOSFETs provide a number of advantages, such as lower switching and conduction losses, higher power handling capability, and greater resistance to temperature changes. This makes it possible to reduce the number of parts required along with the mounting area while improving energy savings when used in AC/DC and DC/DC converters, for example by decreasing the size of heat dissipation components and the coil through high frequency operation and increasing power conversion efficiency.
BM2SCQ12xT-LBZ Features
Feature 1: Improved power savings
The built-in gate driver circuit optimized for the internal SiC MOSFET maximizes performance compared to conventional Si MOSFETs, leading to significantly improved efficiency. (ROHM study)
Feature 2: Contributes to improved miniaturization
The monolithic design replaces up to 12 components (AC/DC converter IC, 800V SiC MOSFET x 2, Zener diode x 3, resistor x 6) and the heat sink needed for conventional discrete Si MOSFET configurations, immensely reducing the number of external parts required.
BM2SCQ12xT-LBZ (Click here to purchase)
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