Hi there,
I made a list of the toolchains I'm aware of - also including Linux-compatible options. See it here:
Hope it's of any help!
Hi there,
I made a list of the toolchains I'm aware of - also including Linux-compatible options. See it here:
Hope it's of any help!
Another opensource compiler is FreePascal
Granted, it's not as mature as the other options, since the CortexM3 support still is very young, and the rtl isn't completely finished yet(the interrupt vectors basically aren't defined). But it's a fun and logical platform to use. Logical in the sense that it isn't extremely complicated like most tools for STM32 - or other new 32bit MPUs for that matter - tend to be. I still haven't figured out how the magical directory structure of C files work for STM-FW projects work
Now if only there was an easy way of downloading the generated program using the ST-Link...
If anyone are interested they can see some instructions on my site(Yes I know it's 103, but it should be almost the same) http://j-software.dk/stm32f103.aspx
Thanks, I added it to the list!