Have you seen how I am using Magnets to produce clean energy from Magnets? www.energy-ingenuity.com If we don't teach others what we have learned, what good does it do for the future of our children, or... mankind?
Have you seen how I am using Magnets to produce clean energy from Magnets? www.energy-ingenuity.com If we don't teach others what we have learned, what good does it do for the future of our children, or... mankind?
I've looked at your web site and it looks like complete drivel to me !
Full of links to pay you money and absurd claims like this which I extracted from one of your pages:
"By using Wardforce, North and South Poles free energy is within our reach. This clean energy process is green energy because, no burning or gas is involved! Wind and Sun are used for some types of green energy to be produced. In every other free energy system Magnets are used as well. Everything that makes or uses energy has Magnets, rather it be electro-magnets or permanent Magnets. With our process of producing clean energy, only Magnets are needed when generating free energy. So, inorder to produce energy, Magnets are used already. It will be a matter of redesigning existing technology, educating the work force, and teaching YOUR children. "
Are you claiming some completely new discoveries ?
If so then please describe them here without demands for money.
I've looked at your web site and it looks like complete drivel to me !
Full of links to pay you money and absurd claims like this which I extracted from one of your pages:
"By using Wardforce, North and South Poles free energy is within our reach. This clean energy process is green energy because, no burning or gas is involved! Wind and Sun are used for some types of green energy to be produced. In every other free energy system Magnets are used as well. Everything that makes or uses energy has Magnets, rather it be electro-magnets or permanent Magnets. With our process of producing clean energy, only Magnets are needed when generating free energy. So, inorder to produce energy, Magnets are used already. It will be a matter of redesigning existing technology, educating the work force, and teaching YOUR children. "
Are you claiming some completely new discoveries ?
If so then please describe them here without demands for money.
First I am not demanding money! ALL the videos are FREE on my website! I have not had a job for 3 years, so I need funds for bills,...
If you look at the first video on the home page you will see that I have isolated forward and backward motion (Wardforce) from the Poles. When you have looked at my videos it will help you understand. I can also SHOW how Wardforce is related to everything, living and non living. I have gone to many High Schools around where I live demonstrating how Wardfoce is isolated from the Poles, along with other things I share with people who see a demo. If we don't teach others what we have learned, what good does it do for the future of our children, or... mankind? Let me know when you have looked at the 2.38 minute video and we can go from there.
If you want more proof that I know what I am talking about. Get the papers from where the "Lenz Law" was deducted, in a language we both can understand. YOU CAN NOT! But if you could, I would show you that my video of his work is correct and that this "Law of Physics" is wrong with what I am doing.
One other point US PATENT # 7531930 "outputs both electrical and mechanical energy" (from the first sentence on US patent). Do you think a patent would be issued making these claims without physical proof?
Hello Steve,
I watched your video (which proves nothing because the set up is not clearly explained.)
I looked at your patent - it isn't the first to be granted for something that doesn't work and it won't be the last !
Energy has to come from somewhere and your machine can't create it - if you ever could you wouldn't need to discuss it with me but you would be selling the power !
I don't care about the explanation - to convince anyone you need a demonstration where power out is clearly greater than power in.
I am explaining where the energy is coming from and it is not nothing! I show that, what I call Wardforce is isolated by, not changing a Pole while causing forWARD and backWARD motion. The device shown on the video is belt driven and on another short video I show a Lamp load. Here is a person who has built a device, validating my claims regarding Wardforce. http://knovos-chalkalisreplication.blogspot.com/2011/12/generator-study-7.html#!/2011/12/generator-study-7.html
If I show you a selfrunning device, you would say it is not true. I show where the energy comes from and you say it is not true. I tell you how to isolate Wardforce for yourself, allowing you to know that it exists and you say you don't know how. With a list of materials needed, drawings, vidoes (more than one needs to be viewed), ALL FREE on my website. Anyone can build or have built a device allowing them to isolate Wardforce from the Poles.
How can you find something, that cannot be seen, if you are not looking for it? I am showing, and telling, how and what to look for it.