Soft 404
How self-contained is this installation? I have the Pico SDK and picoprobe working with VS Code now. But I'm not sure I could replicate the process if I needed to.
Or would it even make sense to install this along with my other setup?
I'm just thinking towards future maintenance.
I have the same start point as you: original SDK, VSCode, picoprobe working.
In the 1.5 SDK I have some issues debugging: the debugger does not stop at main, or at breakpoints I set before starting a debug session.
I used the latest picoprobe software, adapted for the Seeed board (use GIO0+1, and uart0)
Is it related to 1.5 or are you using multi-core?
I am unable to use the debugger when I'm using both M0+ cores.
Related to 1.5. When I start VSCode in the old config, everything works. Including single- and multicore debugging
But my previous sdk setup stopped working
The original version keeps working for me, if I use the old Visual Studio Code for Pico shortcut, and load the original workspace.
When I use the new 1.5 shortcut, and a fresh workspace, the two versions don't seem to interfere.
are you starting VSCode with the new shortcut, in an existing VSCode workspace?
In that case, the settings in the new startup script makes them point at the new sdk.
I have it working. With the openocd that's installed by the 1.5 installer.
(edit: this sentence is wrong: But I had to copy the openocd/tcl files from the openocd version I had downloaded earlier, and tell the launch script where I placed it:)
I had to remove the path to openocd in settings.json: "cortex-debug.openocdPath": "<was pointing to the old install>"