Finally got to unboxing the hardware and seeing what was supplied for the geocaching build.
The Pi2 looks good, particularly with the additional USBs and the reduced footprint with the micro-SD card. I mounted the Raspberry on a board that I can use as a prototyping platform until I decide what the physical packaging of the end result is. Using a wireless keyboard/mouse (logitech) allows more physical flexibility. Its awesome how much processing capability is now available in the platform of that size.
The Pi is very easy to set up with the supplied SD software. Charles Mao has documented this very well (see It all fired up first time without a problem...
In addition to his steps I added a spare WiPi USB 802.3 dongle to enable wireless comms. This requires you to edit the interfaces file in Linux which takes about 5 minutes and restart the networking processes. Once up I was on the net and able to update the Raspberian software (only 173 MB). This is clearly a faster platform than the previous P'is I've owned.
I initially wasn't sure which way to solder the Pi Face Shim (but the other blog posts have made this clearer) and will be looking at this job next, along with mounting the GPS & Display and loading the necessary drivers for the display & GPS. I will be looking at other postings for guidance on the best dev environment to use. The final application for the kit is still not clear, but now that I am clear on the hardware supplied I can start to consider the options.