Teacher's Pet Students' Robotics Challenge

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Teachers Pet Logoelement14, in collaboration with Mathworks and Adafruit, are proud to announce the Teacher's Pet Students' Robotics Challenge.  Selected competitors will be provided with an extensive Raspberry Pi 2 OR Arduino kit. Each contestant will also get free access to MathWorks tools including MATLAB, Simulink and relevant toolboxes for programming various components in the hardware kit. Potential applications can range from programmable robots which serve as mobile alarm clocks, to ones which carry their books for them, to interactive, moving calendars which help students stay on top of their schedules.
Arduino Kit
Each selected competitor who chooses the Arduino Kit will receive the following package of items:
imageArduino Due
Arduino Due
imageParallax BOEBot Robot for Arduino Kit
imageSharp Distance Sensor
Distance Sensor
  • An analog temperature sensor.
Raspberry Pi Kit
Each selected competitor who chooses the Raspberry Pi Kit will receive the following package of items:
imageRaspberry Pi 2
imagePi Camera
Pi Camera
imageSharp Distance Sensor
Distance Sensor
  • A Raspberry Pi Project kit
  • An IR distance sensor
  • A battery pack
  • 10 Bit A/D Converter with SPI Serial Interface
Blogging Challenge
Successful applicants will be invited to blog in the STEM Academy area; the blogs should fully describe use of the products in the creation of their Teachers Pet projects. Blogs should incorporate videos and images whenever possible. Each RoadTester will be required to submit a minimum of 7 blogs; each blog should be tagged with "teachers_pet". Final submissions are due on July 24, 2015; the Grand Prize will be awarded shortly thereafter.
Grand Prize
element14, Mathworks and Adafruit will provide the winner's academic institution with a CEL Robox 3D printer. The total prize value is approximately $1400.00!
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