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Working with the documentation, open the box and test the out of the box experience. Show us what you discovered through text, images, videos, and/or any other media, so the reader understands what is involved in using the product. The sponsor would like to see as many different devices (loads) powered through this product as possible. It will give them a greater understanding how people will use it.
MAX31334 shield evaluation kit (EV kit) is a fully assembled and tested PCB to evaluate the MAX31334, an ultra-low power, low-cost, real-time clock (RTC) with integrated power switch, I2C interface, and power management. The shield EV kit operates from a single supply (either from USB or external power supply) and the on-board crystal provides a 32.768KHz clock signal. This device is accessed through an I2C serial interface provided by a MAX32625PICO board connected to a PC by a USB port. The MAX31334 shield EV kit provides the hardware and software graphic user interface (GUI) necessary to evaluate the MAX31334. The kit includes an installed MAX31334. It connects to the PC through a MAX32625 PICO board and a micro-USB cable.
Begin enrollment | July 12, 2023 |
End enrollment | Aug 23, 2023 |
Select roadtesters | Aug 24, 2023 |
Ship unit | Aug 30 2023 |
Begin roadtesting | Sept 6 2023 |
element14 follow up | Oct 6 2023 |
Post reviews by | Nov 6 2023 |
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