Review of MSP-EXP430FR5739

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RoadTest: MSP-EXP430FR5739

Author: manlong

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Independent Products

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?:

What were the biggest problems encountered?: It's to find sofware and documentation.

Detailed Review:

The card it's smaller than I expect so it's good. They can integrate a lot of component in a small surface.

In this board there are a MSP430 microcontroler with FRAM memory, a usb, 8 led, temperature sensor with ntc resistor, an accelerometer, a FRAM memory, connection to other card and two switches.

One of the utilities of this kit is to see the performance of the FRAM. Personally it's the first time I heard this technology. And thanks to this experimenter board i have a good idea of this technology. But it's not the only goal. We can use a 3 axis  accelerometer and a thermometer. We can drive them by the MSP430 or with UART communication.

We can use a 2.54mm pitch pin to connect to your own application or to connect to a CCxxxx Daughter Cards or EXP-MSP430F5438.

Apparantly, we can implement a RF module but for this, I don't have any information. So I can't tell more about this.

When I found the sofware at this and the Code Composer Studio to program the board at this adress. I test the board with the GUI include. Warning!!! To use the GUI include in the zip file you must'nt use un special character in the name you folder and the adress of your folder. I expect more functionnality with the demo soft. With this soft you can test only FRAM memory. You have 4 modes. In this mode you test FRAM, accelerometer and thermistor but the soft indicate only FRAM information. So you can't have accelerometer and thermistor value in the demo soft.

But all the values can be take with the output pin. The even if for the thermistor we don't have any information. The most important information, the variation of the resistance depend of the temperature. We have to calibrate it with an another thermometer.


In Conclusion, Even if I expect more documentation and software included in the box or more easily to find, the product still very interesting. With this we can develop an application easily with all the connector and the crystal supplied.

  • The card it's smaller than I expect so it's good. They can integrate a lot of component in a small surface.

    In  this board there are a MSP430 microcontroler with FRAM memory, a usb, 8  led, temperature sensor with ntc resistor, an accelerometer, a FRAM  memory, connection to other card and two switches.

    One of the  utilities of this kit is to see the performance of the FRAM. Personally  it's the first time I heard this technology. And thanks to this  experimenter board i have a good idea of this technology. But it’s not  the only goal. We can use a 3 axis  accelerometer and a thermometer. We  can drive them by the MSP430 or with UART communication.

    We can use a 2.54mm pitch pin to connect to your own application or to connect to a CCxxxx Daughter Cards or EXP-MSP430F5438.

    Apparantly, we can implement a RF module but for this, I don’t have any information. So I can’t tell more about this.

    When I found the sofware at this and the Code Composer StudioTm to program the board at this adress.  I test the board with the GUI include. Warning!!! To use the GUI  include in the zip file you must’nt use un special character in the name  you folder and the adress of your folder. I expect more functionnality  with the demo soft. With this soft you can test only FRAM memory. You  have 4 modes. In this mode you test FRAM, accelerometer and thermistor  but the soft indicate only FRAM information. So you can’t have  accelerometer and thermistor value in the demo soft.

    But all the  values can be take with the output pin. The even if for the thermistor  we don’t have any information. The most important information, the  variation of the resistance depend of the temperature. We have to  calibrate it with an another thermometer.


    In  Conclusion, Even if I expect more documentation and software included in  the box or more easily to find, the product still very interesting.  With this we can develop an application easily with all the connector  and the crystal supplied.