TI Hercules TMS570LS04 LaunchPad - Review

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RoadTest: TI Hercules TMS570LS04 LaunchPad

Author: afoste12

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Independent Products

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: I would consider building or buying booster packs to go with this product. http://www.ti.com/ww/en/launchpad/boosterpacks_head.html http://www.ti.com/ww/en/launchpad/byob_head.html

What were the biggest problems encountered?: Finding the documentation to get started. Yet once i was up and going it wasn't too bad figuring it out.

Detailed Review:


For $19.99 this product is great! It seems that the ARM Cortex-R4F MCU is very powerful, i think you could use it with alot of projects.


What i like:

  1.     How compact the Hercules is.
    1. Could easily be used with a raspberry pi.
  2. Hardware is reprogram-able.
    1. Can reprogram the on board LEDS and switches.
    2. Also there is an ambient light sensor on board.
  3. Lots of GPIO pins!
  4. Can program and debug while plugged into PC.


Call for improvements:

  1. Documentation isn't so easy to read.   LaunchPad Resources - Texas Instruments Wiki
    1. It takes time to find the documentation let alone read it all.
    2. Not for beginners
    3. But once figured out has TON  of potential!

Overall: I recommend this product to any one who hacks. The price is great especially for the power you get from the MCU!

That's why i give this product an A!
