RoadTest: MSP-EXP430FR5739
Author: icserny
Creation date:
Evaluation Type: Evaluation Boards
Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True
What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: MSP 430 Launchpad, Microchip Microstick
What were the biggest problems encountered?: - It was difficult to find the relevant webpage (the link was hidden) - It is a bit difficult to find out the role and occupancy of the I/O pins. - The figures in the earlier version of the user guide were almost unreadable (the upadte on Oct 11 solved this problem) THE BIGGEST PROBLEM IS, HOWEVER, THAT MY DETAILED REVIEW DOESN'T SHOW UP!!!
Detailed Review:
Posessing a couple of Launchpad boards I already had some knoledge about the MSP430 microcontrollers and the relevant software development tools before starting this roadtest. Therefore my point of view is naturally different from those who had never met the TI MSP430 series microcontrollers before.
It is difficult to decide about scoring in the case of evaluation of a product, which - according to the manufacturer - is still in experimental phase, and the related materials are updated during the evaluation period. To be honest I will give scores according the present state of the product, but in the text below I give information about the earlier problems, and about the further possibilities to improve the documents.
The MSP-EXP430FR5739 kit came in a small black carton box, very similar to that of the Launchpad Starter Kit. (I think, however, the little rocket - the logo of the Launchpad board - was a bit nicer than the logo of the FRAM board). The box contained the following items:
The MSP-EXP430FR5739 Experimenter Board is a compact development platform for the new generation of MSP430 microcontroller devices with integrated Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM). The board contains an MSP430FR5739 16-bit microcontroller (16KB FRAM / 1KB SRAM), an on-board programmer/debugger, 3 axis accelerometer, NTC Thermistor, 8 LED's, 2 user input pushbuttons, connectors for the MCU's I/O pins and for Wireless Daughter Cards (CCxxxx RF).
The kit does not contain any software or detailed documentation. Development software, USB driver, example programs, the source of the "user experience" demo and the User Guide should be downloaded from the Internet. However, it was a bit difficult to find the relevant information. The Quick Start Guide directs to the web address which is easy to remember. However, this is not the page you need. You mast click to step further, in order to reach the "homepage" of the MSP-EXP430FR5739 Experimenter Board. Alas, the relevant link is hidden, so it may take some time until one detects, that the "Buy now" link doesn't guide to the webshop but to the other page mentioned above.
Suggestion: I think this situation should be made clear. It would be nice to see two links here: one link that guides to the "homepage of the board", and says something like "Further info", and another link which guides direction to the TI E-store, and says "Buy now".
IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 (IDE, assembler, C/C++ compiler, Simulator, debugger). The free version (Kickstart Edition) is size limited: 8 kB code can be produced for the MSP430-X cores (the MSP430FR5739 falls into this category).
Code Composer Studio (Eclipse based IDE, assembeler, C/C++ compiler, debugger). The free version is size limited (16 kB code can be generated), but this doesn't limits the development in our case, since the MSP430FR5739 has 16 kB program memory.
CrossWorks for MSP430 (IDE, assembler, C/C++ compiler, simulator, debugger). The free version is time limited (30 days evaluation).
MSPGCC - the GCC toolchain for the Texas Instruments MSP430 MCUs (command line tools, C compiler, file format conversion etc.). I have tried it under Windows, combinig the GCC tools with the MSP430Flash.exe command line tool.
I already had installed all of the software packages mentioned above, and the USB driver (which installs itself automaticly together with the IDEs IAR or CCS), so I could start the factory demo immediately.
The MSP-EXP430FR5739 Experimenter Board comes preprogrammed with a demo application (FRAM User Experience Demo). It can be used in two modes:
All of these worked well int he standalone mode, but there were some minor problems int the GUI (PC communication) mode: the status of the LEDs were not displayed ont he screen at all! I tried to find the source of the problem: installed the Processing development platform, and checked the data received. It turned out that tho GUI receives garbage (or unusable data) in the position of the LED status information. Then I've checked the source of the firmware but could not see any error. Finally it turned out that the downloaded source was correct, but the original firmware burned into my card was wrong (or an earlier, uncompatible version from a previous stage of the development). After downloading the recompiled source into the MCU, everything worked as expected.
Suggestion: It would be nice to see a warning message on the "homeppage of the board" saying that You may have recompile the demo if it doesn't show the status of the LEDs.
Most of the embedded application can benefit from the above listed properties, however the ara applications which would not be possible (or would be very complicated) without the possibileties provided by the embedded FRAM memory of the MSP430FR5739 microcontroller.
I am thinking about the reconstruction of my old FORTH-like interpreter which was developed in the early 80-ies by using an Intel 8085 microprocessor. The benefit of the FRAM here would be the possibility to store the user defined commands is the non-volatile FRAM memory, turning the MSP-EXP430FR5739 Experimenter Board into an interactive development platform which would be quite useful in the education (in a course about the MSP430 MCUs).
To be continued...