A review of ADI ADALM2000 Data Acquisition Module. (an Electronics-Lab-in the Palm)

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RoadTest: Sign Up to Roadtest the ADI ADALM2000 Data Acquisition Module

Author: vinayyn

Creation date:

Evaluation Type: Test Equipment

Did you receive all parts the manufacturer stated would be included in the package?: True

What other parts do you consider comparable to this product?: Analog Discovery 2, Analog Discovery 3

What were the biggest problems encountered?: Color coding of the connector wires.

Detailed Review:

Analog Devices ADALM2000 Data Acquisition Module is an Miniature Electronics lab in the Palm. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, the ADALM2000 is completely self-contained and entirely USB powered with the default firmware. The ADALM2000 is best for university students and self-learners interested in more advanced circuit and electronics classes. 

ADI ADALM2000 Unboxing 

ADALM2000 Features

ADALM2000 Has 

  • Two-channel oscilloscope with differential inputs
  • Two-channel arbitrary waveform generator (AWG)
  • 16-channel digital logic analyzer (3.3V CMOS and 1.8V or 5V tolerant, 100MS/s)
  • 16-channel pattern generator (3.3V CMOS, 100MS/s)
  • 16-channel virtual digital I/O
  • Two input/output digital trigger signals for linking multiple instruments (3.3V CMOS)
  • Two-channel voltmeter (AC, DC, ±25V)
  • Network analyzer – Bode, Nyquist, Nichols transfer diagrams of a circuit. Range: 1Hz to 10MHz
  • Spectrum Analyzer – power spectrum and spectral measurements (noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD, etc.)
  • Digital Bus Analyzers (SPI, I²C, UART, Parallel)
  • Two programmable power supplies (0…+5V , 0…-5V)

For ADALM 2000 M2K Reference Manual and Understanding the Internals architecture please follow the link.

let's dive into the individual features parameters of ADALM2000

Analog Inputs (oscilloscope) Features

  • 2 channels
  • differential channel type
  • 12-bit resolution
  • 100 MS/s sample rate
  • Scope scales: 1mV to 10V/div
  • ±25V (±50V differential) input range
  • 64k samples buffer size/channel
  • Trigger: rising/falling edge, high/low, hysteresis
  • Sampling modes: average, decimate, min/max
  • FFTs, XY plots, and histogram
  • Math channels with complex functions
  • Cursors with advanced data measurements
  • Captured data files can be exported in standard formats (.csv, .txt)

Signal Generator Features

  • 2 channels
  • Single-ended channel type
  • 12-bit resolution
  • Sample rate: 150 MS/s
  • AC amplitude (max): ±5 V
  • DC Offset (max): ±5 V
  • Slew rate (10V step): 400V/µs
  • 64k samples buffer size/channel
  • Sine, Square, Triangle, Trapezoidal, Rising/Falling Ramp Sawtooth waveforms
  • Noise Waveforms (Uniform, Gaussian, Laplacian, Impulse)
  • Custom waveforms using standard tools (e.g. Excel)

Pattern Generator

  • 16 channels
  • Sample rate: 100 MS/s
  • The custom pattern buffer/channel: up to 500K samples
  • Output logic standard: LVCMOS (3.3V)
  • Output type/channel: Push-Pull(PP)/Open-Drain(OD)
  • Import patterns using standard file formats (.csv, .txt)
  • Customized visualization for signals and buses

Logic Analyzer

  • Channels: 16
  • Sample rate (real-time): 100 MS/s
  • 500K samples buffer size/channel
  • Input logic: LVCMOS (3.3V, up to 5V)
  • Trigger options: auto/normal with multiple trigger logic options
  • External trigger available
  • Decoders for multiple communication protocols (SPI, I2C, UART, Parallel, etc.)
  • Export data using standard formats (.csv, .txt)

Digital I/O

  • Channels: 16 (shared)
  • Input logic: LVCMOS (3.3V, 5V tolerant)
  • Output logic standard: LVCMOS (3.3V)
  • Virtual I/O devices (switches & displays)
  • Individual/Grouped Customized visualization of channels

Power Supplies

  • 1 Positive output
  • 1 Negative output
  • Voltage range: 0.5V…5V and -0.5V…-5V
  • Independent/Tracking modes for the 2 power supplies

Network Analyzer

  • Shared with the following instruments: Oscilloscope, Signal Generator
  • Frequency sweep range: 1Hz to 30MHz
  • Samples count: 10 → 1000
  • Settable input amplitude and offset
  • The signal is recorded via analog input at each frequency
  • Available diagrams: Bode, Nichols, or Nyquist
  • Export data using standard formats (.csv, .txt)


  • Channels (shared with scope): 2
  • Channel type: differential
  • Measurements: DC and AC
  • Resolution: 12-bit
  • Input range: ±25V (±50V div)
  • Peak Hold
  • History of recorded values
  • Option for Data logging

Spectrum Analyzer

  • 2 channels shared with Oscilloscope
  • Power spectrum algorithms: FFT
  • Frequency range modes: center/span, start/stop
  • Frequency scale: linear
  • Vertical axis options: voltage-peak, VRMS, dBV, DBU, dBFS
  • Window types: flat top, rectangular, triangular, hamming, hann, Blackman-harris, kaiser
  • 5 customizable markers
  • Data file export using standard formats (.csv, .txt)

Other Features

  • USB power option; all needed cables included.
  • External supply option: 5V, 2.5A
  • Data transfer via a high-speed USB 2.0 interface
  • Trigger in allows multiple instruments to be linked
  • Individual configuration of instruments
  • Export/import instruments configuration

Depending on the different needs and wants of the ADALM2000 M2K, There are 3 main categories of users:

    • ADALM2000 users normally interact with real-world analog signals using Scopy or Alice.
    • Everyone should read this section, as it describes the device, and describes how to get the drivers and host software installed properly.
  1. ADALM2000 Application Developers:
    • Want to write their application interface for the ADALM2000 to run on the PC, but do not need to modify the ADALM2000 firmware or need to know the details on the ADALM2000's inner workings
    • Use Scopy's scripting ability. Write scripts in javascript and then call scopy via the command line.
    • Use libm2k to write C++/C#/Python applications that capture and generate data from the host PC.
    • normally write custom software or HDL (for the FPGA) that runs directly on the ADALM2000 device. This may put the ADALM2000 in different modes, and support different external USB devices (including LAN (via USB), or WiFi (vs USB)), extending the capabilities of the device. This includes all the information to compile HDL projects, compile kernels, change to custom USB PID/VID, and/or run custom user space applications

ADALM2000 M2K Connector Pinouts


Scopy is a multi-functional software toolset with strong capabilities for signal analysis.

Scopy can be used in the following OS Platforms.
1. Scopy for Windows
2. Scopy for Linux
3. Scopy for OSX
4. Scopy for Android

In this road test review, I am using Scopy for Android majorly together with Scopy for Windows.

Tap on the downloaded .apk file to start the installation process and proceed by hitting the “Install” button. Optionally, you may be warned that this application comes from unknown sources, hit the “Install anyway” button. Now, you can find “Scopy” together with your other apps.
In order to connect ADALM2000 to your device, you will need an OTG adapter that will mediate the connection between your device and the USB cable, as shown in the video below.


The Home view is divided into four sections:

  • Devices(1): List of devices (USB or remote) that Scopy can connect to. USB devices are detected automatically at startup. The Add button can be used to add remote devices to the list.
  • Instruments Menu(2): List instruments provided by the application.
  • Information Window(3): Section containing the welcome, add device page, and for each device a description.
  • General Settings Menu(4): Save and load the session and the preferences menu.


Connecting to a USB device

If a compatible USB device is available it will be displayed in the Devices section.

To connect to that device click on the device and then click the Connect button in the Information Window.

If the connection was established, the device will have a green status line under it and you will be able to disconnect from it in the same Information Window.


Connecting to a remote device

To connect to a remote device click on the Plus icon. Enter the IP of the remote device into the Hostname field and click the Connect button. If a device can be detected at the IP you provided, the Connect button will change to an Add button and you can click on it to add the remote device to the list of detected devices.



Clicking the Forget Device button will remove the device from the list. Clicking the Identify button will make the device blink.

General Settings Menu


The save/load buttons can be used to save the current session or load another session. The preferences button will open the preferences for Scopy where different options for different tools can be modified.


Clicking the Reset Scopy button will reset the application to a default configuration.

Checking the user notes preference will enable a tool where the user can add different pages with html formatted text


User Guides

Scopy interacts with only one hardware device at a time. Once a device is selected to be used with the application, a list of instruments that are available for that device will be enabled. Each instrument can be opened from the left menu. The icon on the right of the instrument name specifies that the instrument is enabled and provides a shortcut that allows an instrument to be turned on or off.

The instruments menu can be minimized by clicking on the Scopy button near the top-left window.


Detaching Instruments

Scopy provides the detaching into multiple windows feature for each instrument available, providing a better view/manipulation.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  1. Drag and Drop - select the desired instrument drag it outside the Instrument Menu section and drop it inside the application window area.


  1. Double Click - first make sure that the Double click to detach a tool option is enabled in the Preferences menu; double-click on the desired instrument to detach it.


Instruments Overview


Complete user guides on how to use each Scopy instrument with ADALM2000:

The ADI Team has made good documents on ADALM2000, In details can be viewed by clicking the individual links provided. 

1. Oscilloscope

Pros and cons.


  • ADALM2000 Has a better response while collecting data compare to my siglent digital oscilloscope.
  • Math channels with complex functions

Cons: Captured data files that are exported had blank a few times and unexpectedly stop

I have tested the oscilloscope Feature and created a video of the test, have a look.

2. Spectrum Analyzer

3. Network Analyzer

4. Signal Generator

Pros and cons.

Pros: Custom waveforms can be created using Excel.

Cons: Scopy Android App and Windows App freezes sometimes while Operating.

I have tested the Signal Generator  Feature and created a video of the test, have a look.

ADALM 2000 M2K Signal generator and oscilloscope Parallel working

5. Logic Analyzer

Pros and cons.

Pros: Low Latency

Cons:  the decoder will not be able to Decode in Some cases. 

I have tested the Logic Analyzer Feature and created a video of the test, have a look. I2C Decoder is Tested with ESP32 and PCF8574. 

6. Pattern Generator

Pros: Using CSV Format data patterns can be generated formats.

7. Digital IO

Pros: Easy to operate

Cons: Scopy Fails to update the status and is slow to respond while operating with external sources. 

8. Voltmeter


  • Response time is good.
  • Option for data logging

Cons:  In the scopy android app Voltage Reading are overlapping

I have tested the voltmeter Feature and created a video of the test, have a look.

9. Power Supply

Pros: Positive and Negative supply output

Cons: Current output  is not constant 


  •  scopy android and Windows apps need to improvise.
  •  ammeter Is the most useful and important while doing experiments, and its missing in the ADALM2000
  • The output current is very low.
  • Digital IO has only one Voltage logic is 3.3 Volt this creates issues while interfacing external circuits due to logic voltage level issue
  • have to correct the color coding of the Connector cable.

Except for the above-listed details, ADALM 2000  Is a good choice for Entry level Electronics learners, Hobbyists. The ADALM 2000 and Android app helps to Use the lab equipment features without Depending on a laptop or desktop, hence it's very cost-effective. 

Useful Links 

  1. Engineering University Program
  2. ADALM2000 Based Lab Activity Material, Electronics I and II
  3. Introduction to Digital Electronics-Based Lab Activity Material
  4. ADALM2000 Cable Assembly
