by Mike Garrard
Without doubt, electric vehicles have sex appeal. Not in the same way that a five litre 480hp V8 Mustang at full throttle does. The benefit is more cerebral. They are the future, quiet and clean. Driving one comes with a feel good factor of saving the planet. I have one, and I love it, see here. It might even breed a certain little sanctimonious corner of the grey matter that makes one park it on the drive rather than put it in the garage.
Do we need them? Most certainly. I don’t believe it is possible for the planet’s resources to support all of China and India at the consumption rates in the West, an astounding 200kWh per head, every day. If China were like the USA they would be buying 60M cars per year: that’s the entire world car production in 2009. Something has to change.
Even the most optimistic people, which I rashly assume is the US Geological Society, say peak oil will be somewhere around 2030; IEA thinks we’ve flatlined and others say that we’ve peaked already. For mass consumption, oil shale may not be the significant low cost oil replacement we want it to be. Your children, or theirs, may be the last petrol heads on the planet.
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