The central body control module (BCM) is the primary hub that maintains body functions, such as internal and external lighting, security and access control, comfort features for doors and seats and other convenience controls. Freescale's leading Power Architecture-based 32-bit and S12 based 16-bit MCU families target many BCM applications. For additional system support, we provide replace switch monitoring with signal conditioning, MOSFET pre-driver, source monitor or LED drivers. SBCs combine voltage regulation with a CAN or LIN physical interface in a single package. H-bridge drivers and a series of high-side switches (eXtreme switches) drive high-current loads and replace relays. The gateway serves as the information bridge between various in-car communication networks, including Ethernet, FlexRay, CAN, LIN and MOST protocols. It also serves as the car’s central diagnostic interface. Gateway functionality can be integrated into the central BCM or may be a separate ECU. Freescale's Power Architecture-based 32-bit single or dual-core MCUs provide the required computing performance, memory size scalability and communication interfaces.
Design Challenges
To perfectly address the greatly varying requirements across the different car families and architectural concepts, it is important to choose MCU and analog products which provide enough scalability in performance and pin count. Also, with the ever increasing number of electronic components in the car, the power consumption needs to be limited to a minimum since CO2 emissions are equivalent to the power consumption.