Last month we introduced you to HUDlog, one of the nine startups taking part in Startupbootcamp IoT 2017. They joined the accelerator program to develop their smart augmented reality solution for professional drivers, which uses a TFT LCD display and an array of lenses and mirrors to project essential information through a vehicle's windscreen to help drivers to keep their eyes on the road at all times.
We recently caught up with HUDlog CEO Gabriel Hercule to find out how the insights he's gained during the first weeks of the program have influenced HUDlog's business model and marketing strategy going forward, in addition to discussing his hopes and expectations for the rest of his time at Startupbootcamp...
On his experiences at the program so far...
Working with the Startupbootcamp IoT mentors has provided Hercule and his team with valuable insights into areas such as marketing, finance, legal and tech, the latter of which has proven especially valuable in finalising their prototype design. Although no monumental technical changes have been made to the product, there have been productive discussions about the best ways to manufacture the product at scale, improving efficiency and reducing overall costs.
"It's been a great experience, but also very challenging" explains Hercule. "One of the main lessons we've learned from working with the marketing mentors from Growth Studio is that our initial conception of the market may have been a little too broad. We really needed to hone in on a specific niche, so now we're looking at a very precise market to target first, and we're ready to go full speed at that."
Looking ahead...
In terms of the final weeks of the program, Hercule and the rest of the team are focused on advancing the prototyping of their product in time for Demo Day, when they will have the opportunity to showcase HUDlog for an invited audience of potential investors, customers and press. In the meantime they are also keen to take advantage of the significant networking opportunities provided by the program, gaining contacts and meeting as many potential customers as possible.
"We're a small team, so the main challenge for us is time management given the amount of tasks we have to complete in a very short amount of time" says Hercule. "We've been working very long hours, but in the end I think it'll pay off..."
We'll be continuing to check in with HUDlog and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more information. You can also follow them on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.