Odyssey Sensors develop low-cost, easy-to-use technology for smallholder and family farmers, with a specific focus on sensors, networks and data acquisition. Their product TankSentry is an easy, efficient and cost effective way for farmers to manage their water supply.
The journey so far...
As a native Londoner, the opportunity to work with a proudly international cohort like Startupbootcamp IoT has been a great experience for co-founder Christopher Hunter and his team. In their first weeks on the program they spent a lot of time working with the in-house mentors and partners such as Growth Studio to explore all the different facets of their business.
"The biggest lesson we've learned is that we're not necessarily just selling a system to farmers, but potentially some value-added services as well" explains Christopher. "We're looking at possibilities around a subscription-based model, for example. Working with the mentors is really helping us to develop our thinking around the different revenue streams we might be able to explore."
Looking ahead...
With a beta prototype already in the field with farmers, Odyssey Sensors are close to finalising their TankSentry product design. The main difference they've made compared to their alpha prototype has been the addition of a repeater node to extend the transmission distances the system can achieve in the field.
As Demo Day approaches,Christopher and his team are facing up to the delicate balancing act required to attract investment and introduce TankSentry to the wider market.
"The biggest challenge is the sheer volume of questions that we have in play" he explains. "Our key priorities are to solve any issues around the commercial model while keeping on top of everything else we need to do to arrive at a successful product launch."
We'll be continuing to check in with Odyssey Sensors and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more updates. You can also learn more about Odyssey Sensors on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.