Robotic Solutions is a Latvian startup that is developing a tracking device to improve the operational efficiency of floor cleaning machines in industrial environments. Their team consists of a combination of academics and experienced business developers from Riga Technical University.
The journey so far...
Having relocated from Latvia to London for their time at Startupbootcamp IoT, one of the first things the Robotic Solutions team had to get used to was adjusting to the pace of working. "The UK is a much larger market than the Baltics" explains co-founder Didzis Dejus. "Everything happens much faster here, which was a little challenging at first."
Once the team was up to speed, their focus turned to absorbing all of the content the program was able to provide, much of which was entirely new to them. "We needed to take one step back in order to take two steps forwards" says Didzis. "We've redefined a lot of our value proposition, and we're looking at the market from a lot of different angles."
Looking ahead...
Moving into the final weeks of the program, the Robotic Solutions team are focusing on refining their business model and launching some initial pilots in the UK, with the help of the program mentors. They are also working on the necessary documentation that clearly and concisely defines their value proposition to aid discussions with potential investors at Demo Day and beyond.
"It isn't an everyday conversation" says Didzis. "The high level experts who work on this program are investing their time in you - you need to come prepared."
We'll be continuing to check in with Robotic Solutions and the other Startupbootcamp participants over the coming weeks, so keep checking this space for more updates. You can also learn more about Robotic Solutions on their official website and on the Startupbootcamp website.